Thursday, October 7, 2010

whooooa Mexico: update #4

So Jeremy and I got a pretty sweet tax refund and debated for a long time about what we should do with it. We toyed with revisiting one of our missions or a touristy sight-seeing trip. We decided to go on a 7-years-later honeymoon to Tulum, Mexico and try very hard do absolutely nothing but sit on the beach. Katie and Van went on the same trip and gave us some tips, so we decided to try our hand. Cons: we were naive-looking scam targets and people were at us for money at every turn, Jeremy had some very strange allergic reactions our very first morning there, we missed the cool spring weather (sticky, sticky HOT), there were lots and lots and lots of mosquitos, we both got a 2-week something-or-other from our breakfast our last morning there, and Jeremy's glasses are now a fixture in some Caribbean fishies' living room. Pros:
Yes, it was worth the cons, and we would go again in a heartbeat. Here's our first eco-touristy place. I loved the vibe, but at the end of the two days, we decided we're not qualified to be eco-tourists.
We rented bikes one day and rode this route to a handful of cenotes
We saw gobs of these guys and thought of Scotty every time
Walked the beach .a lot. Found a few pretty shells, backpacks, shoes, and something for Van:
Too bad Jeremy's glasses didn't wash up on shore. They were in his lap while he was trying on his snorkel mask (our first day!) and there they stayed until he bailed out of the boat :( He's blind enough that we decided to go to the mall in Cancun to the only while-you-wait glasses place in the Yucatan. We even caught Iron Man 2 with subtitles before it was released in the states while we waited. (How did they do that?) Silly, yes, to go to the movies while in paradise, but fun nonetheless. Here's Jer sporting his spiffy new lenses with the *awesome* clip-on sunglasses that don't quite fit
We ate several to-die-for Thai dinners here (nothing like eating scrumptious food with the waves as your background music)
Went to the Tulum ruins

My favorite "shoes"
A little friend the snorkeling guy made us while we were talking to him (I thought he was just fiddling with some grass!)
Here's our second place at "La Vita e Bella" (it truly was!)
And our view
Every time I scroll through our pics and I skim past these babies, I involuntarily sigh and my limbs go limp. It was dreamy. I wanted everyone I know to experience it! We *will* be back someday...


The Wettstein Family said...

Oh how fun!! You've had a busy Summer! So fun to hear from you!

Unknown said...

Jennie!! You are back! Hooray! I hope blogging stays fun, not time-consuming and oppressive, for you because I love seeing what's going on in your life. BTW, did you sneak some fake scenery into those Mexico pictures? They look amazing!

Katie and Van said...

makes me long to go back to. mmmmmm.....mexico