What a fun day! We blessed the babies the first Sunday in November and both sets of grandparents were able to come. What lucky little babies.

The only drama of the day was not performed by our drama queen. Sam decided to take that role and hollered through his blessing. But everyone survived.

We let Jeremy help pick Sam's outfit (thanks again Aunt Emily and Uncle Danny!) and of course he picked the one called the "Jeremy jumper."

Our gifted grandmothers gave gorgeous gifts. Grandma Corky made the blankets in the pictures and Grandma Ann made these:

Yes! I will put the babies in these sweaters every chance I get as long as they fit!

Our 3 amigos:

Already getting teased, poor little guy:

Big brother

Lots of chats and yummy food later, family went home and everything is back to normal now. ("normal" - ha!)

About 3 weeks ago we started getting our first true smiles and a few gurgly coos. Some moments are so wholly baby-perfect I can hardly stand it.

Here's Ruthie mid-story. Of course anytime I try to record her she gets stage fright. Hopefully soon we'll have one of her stories to share.

I've tried uploading video so many times. Fail every time. Just says "uploading" forever and ever. Anyone have a cure for my video-uploading ineptitude?